Here are some pics from Thanksgiving 2009. We had a wonderful, relaxing visit to Nana and Papa's house in Iowa. The kids loved every minute of it, and I think all the rest of the family did too.
Some highlights...Nana and Papa brought up Uncle Marty's old "Lego Train". It is a little Lego train that, once put together with the motor added, will run from a battery for countless hours of fun. Ben LOVED this train, and still talks about wanting to go back and play with it, almost daily. He is such a train addict!
Also, Nana and Papa brought up a Molly-sized rocking chair, and a baby-sized rocking chair to go along with their regular rocking chair in the living room. The first picture here is a good representation of how all 3 chairs spent the week:)
Here are the 2 cutest kids on the planet, loving on their Mama!
We also got a really beautiful family pic. Some of you might recognize it from our Christmas card. Can you believe this was taken right in Nana and Papa's back yard?!
Lots of good snuggle time with Nana and Papa!
Ben provided the table centerpiece for our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. It had been a project of his from preschool.
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