2. What is your favorite book: “Princesses” *don’t know what exactly this means…I guess it means any and all books involving princesses.
3. What is your favorite movie: “Um…a princess one”
4. What is your favorite food: “um...rice and beans” *this girl still loves her Mexican food!
5. What is your least favorite food: “Peppers”
6. What is your favorite fruit: “pear”
7. What is your favorite vegetable: “carrots”
8. What is your least favorite vegetable: “I don’t like peppers…ley-yow ones or green ones.”
9. What is your favorite t.v. Show: “Um…Mom, I TOLD you…it was the princess one!”
10. What is your favorite song: “ABC”
11. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom: “Snuggle and read books”
12. What is your favorite thing to do with Dad: “Play tickle bed and play chick hugs.” *I wasn’t sure what chick hugs were, so I asked her and she added, “Mommy, it’s a thing that you play. It’s very blackish.” *???
13. What is your favorite game to play with friends: “Um…play dog-es with Anna and Ben”
14. What is your favorite store: “Um…the cookie store”
15. What is your favorite sport: “What sport?” *I explained what a sport was, and she added, “I like gymnastics and playing soccer with Ben.”
16. What is your favorite Bible story: “Um…Mommy, I’ll go get it. It’s a big book…The ship one.” *she bought be her children’s Bible and turned to the story of Noah’s Ark.
17. What is your favorite place to go: “Mama, I like to go and get those cookies with M&M’s” *they sometimes get a cookie when we are shopping at Schnucks.
18. What is your favorite restaurant: “Um…rice and beans” * she means Lily’s, the Mexican restaurant down the street from us.
19. What is your favorite toy: “Um…playing with those flowers” *she was looking at a vase of flowers on the table.
20. What is your favorite thing to do with Ben: “Um…when Anna’s here and my birthday came, then I like to play dogs with him.”
21. What is your favorite drink: “juice and water and milk”
22. What is your favorite thing to do at school: “Uh…I like to play there with all the other kids…like all the other girls and I like to talk to all the other girls”
23. What is your favorite thing to do outside: “I like to play tricycles with these!” *On “these” she pointed to the knee pads that she happened to be wearing.
24. What do you want to be when you grow up: “A doctor and a nurse and a fighter-fighter (fire fighter) and a Mommy”
25. What can you do now that you are 3: “I can go to Atrium.”
26. Who is your best friend: “Anna and Rosie and Ellie and Alex and my favorite is Gwennie’s Mom and Gwennie is my favorite too!”
27. What is Mom's job: “Go to work and help kids.”
28. What is Dad's job: “Go to work, too.”
29. What does Mom always say: “Do not put your hands in your bottom” *Um…don’t even know what to say about this one!!
30. What does Dad always say: “Go potty in the bathroom.”
31. What is your nickname: “Molly Ruth Schiltz”
32. What makes you laugh: “When something drops, then I laugh”
33. What makes you sad: “When we go to bed and you NOT sit in the hall for 3 minutes, then that makes me cry.”
34. What are you thankful for: “God”
35. What does Mom love about you: “Giving flowers to me!”